My Resume

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Here you can learn more about my education, competencies, experience, and skills.


Technical University of Varna Master of Medical Electronics
Varna, Bulgaria
2011 - 2013

Technical University of Varna Bachelor of Medical Electronics
Varna, Bulgaria
2007 - 2011

Core Competencies / Strengths

Professionalism Work Ethic Problem Solving Technical Expertise Results Orientation Decisiveness Personal Credibility Flexibility & Creativity

Experience / Career

@Three11 Senior Software Developer
Varna, Bulgaria
November 2019 - January 2023
A full-time position as a senior software developer in an outsourcing company. I worked on various outsourcing project with various tech stacks. The tech stacks include PHP, JavaScript, TypeScript, Laravel, Symfony, YII Framework, TS.ED, WordPress, Node.js, MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, and more.

Responsibilities included:
  • following the best practices and the coding standards
  • picking the right architecture, design, and tech stack for the applications
  • creating applications from end to end or in a collaboration with a front-end team
  • communicating the requirement with the back-end team and the clients
  • maintaining the codebase
  • writing clean and testable code
  • writing a user-friendly documentation
  • writing unit and integration tests
  • integrating third-party services
  • troubleshooting and fixing complex issues
  • configuring and maintaining virtual private servers (VPS)
  • deploying projects to virtual private servers
  • configuring Azure services
  • deploying projects to Azure

@Payslip Senior Software Engineer - Back-End
November 2020 - December 2022
January 2020 - April 2020
I was part of an international team working in an agile environment. The tech stack included Symfony Framework, PostreSQL, AWS, Docker, JavaScript, Mocha, Chai

Responsibilities included:
  • following the best practices and the coding standards
  • collaborating with team to design and pick the right architecture to create highly scalable and secure features
  • designing the REST API
  • maintaining the codebase
  • optimizing the performance of the existing features to ensure a superior user experience
  • writing clean and testable code
  • writing unit and integration tests
  • doing code reviews to ensure the code quality and the coding standards are met
  • writing and updating the documentation to reflect the latest changes
  • troubleshooting and fixing complex issues as they appear

@CodersClan Full-Stack Developer
August 2019 - October 2019
I was a freelance full-stack developer working on various outsourcing projects. The tech stack included WordPress, JavaScript, MariaDB, and more.

I was responsible for:
  • shipping new features and customizing the existing ones
  • maintaining the codebase
  • working on both, the front-end and the back-end

Freelance Full-Stack Developer
March 2019 - November 2019
I was involved in the back-end development of REST API application using Node.js, TypeScript, TypeORM, PostgreSQL, Redis. The third-party integrations include MailChimp, Twilio, Stripe, and more.

Responsibilities included:
  • designing the REST API
  • creating new features
  • integrating third-party services
  • writing integration tests
  • writing a user-friendly documentation

Freelance Full-Stack Developer
June 2013 - November 2018
I was involved in the back-end development of various REST API applications using Laravel Framework, MySQL, PostgreSQL, JavaScript.

I was responsible for:
  • designing the REST API
  • creating new features
  • integrating third-party services

@htmlBurger (2create Studio) Senior Back-End Developer
Varna, Bulgaria
June 2011 - March 2019
A web development service that serves digital agencies and businesses with web development services, such as HTML/CSS coding, Vue & React development, WordPress, Shopify, and other CMS & eCommerce implementations.

As a developer I was responsible for:
  • mentoring
  • creating custom WordPress themes and plugins
  • integrating third-party services
  • creating automation scripts for web crawling, content migration, and more
  • extending existing themes and plugins by adding new features
  • maintaining the projects
  • configuring and maintaining virtual private servers (VPS)
  • deploying projects to virtual private servers

Industry Skills

Programming Languages The primary programming languages are the ones I am using daily and I am specializing in. The secondary programming languages are the ones I use from time to time.
Primary I am specializing in these programming languages.
PHP TypeScript JavaScript
Secondary I also feel comfortable with these programming languages.
Python Ruby C/C++ Bash

Databases and ORMs Depending on the project requirements I use a different type of database, and sometimes a combination of databases. Here is a list of the databases I have experience with.
Relational database
PostgreSQL MySQL MariaDB
NoSQL database
Redis MongoDB Cassandra
TypeORM Doctrine Eloquent

Ts.ED Laravel Symfony

Message Brokers
RabbitMQ Apache Kafka


Web Servers
Apache Nginx Node.js (HTTP Module)

Jest Mocha Chai PHPUnit & more

Vagrant Docker

Automation & Deployment
Ansible Terraform Kubernetes Gitlab CI/CD

IT Methodologies
Agile Scrum Framework for Agile Development